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Forrige spiller Ingrid Elmer Nielsen-Refs
ELO: 1443

Næste spiller
Ingrid Elmer has scored 2,5 point and is ranked as number 6 in the tournament .

tie-break 1 (Direct Encounter) = 0,0 , tie-break 2 (The greater number of wins) = 1
, tie-break 3 (The greater number of games with Black) = 2 , tiebreak 4 (Buchholtz Cut 1) = 11,5
, tiebreak 5 (Buchholtz) = 11,5 , tiebreak 6 (Sonnenborg-Berger System) = 2,50
---- Result ----- -------- ELO -------- -- Tie-break --
RoundOpponentTableELOOpponWeK DifRated?OppTb1Tb2Tb3Tb4Tb5Tb6
1Nienke van den Brink+ - N 0010X00
2Sarabella Norlamo0 0 17940,1140-4,40J 4001440
3Margarita Zaritovskaja0 0 18820,0840-3,20J 3,50003,53,50
4Andrea Kongskov½ ½ 14180,5340-1,20J 3001331,5
5Sigrid Erstad Jørgensen1 - N 1010111
½ 1698-8,80 11,502211,511,52,5
Tb1 = Direct Encounter, Tb2 = The greater number of wins, Tb3 = The greater number of games with Black
, Tb4 = Buchholtz Cut 1, Tb5 = Buchholtz, Tb6 = Sonnenborg-Berger System
Recommended tiebreaks by FIDE